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Old Headquarters (Algiers)


The Higher School of Commerce of Algiers is made up of two blocks. A main block and an annex block.

The main block consists of a set of offices for administration and a set of classrooms and amphitheaters.

The educational infrastructure includes:

» 03 amphitheaters (A, B, and C),

» 13 classrooms,

salle 4


» 05 computer rooms

» 3 laboratories for practical work (TP)

» An internet room for teachers and postgraduate students

» A video conference room.

The school also has a library located in the annex block, rich in books, journals, Master's and Doctoral theses in the three languages: Arabic, French, and English. Searching in the library's catalog is done using PCs available to the students of ESC Alger and visitors.

A room in the main block is reserved for teachers.

Cultural and sports associations have offices to carry out their activities and receive their association members.


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New Headquarters (Koléa)



The Higher School of Commerce Koléa has a pedagogical infrastructure that includes:

» 05 amphitheaters.

amphis 1

» 30 classrooms. salle01

» 02 conference halls:

one with a capacity of 400 seats;

the other with a capacity of 350 seats.


» 04 computer labs.


» 02 reading rooms for students:

one with a capacity of 250 seats;

the other with a capacity of 150 seats.



» 02 rooms reserved for research labs.

» 02 rooms reserved for continuing education.


» 01 room for bibliographic research equipped with 04 microcomputers.

» 01 internet room with Wi-Fi service.

biblio 1